- Douleur chronique
Impairment in Sleep Health in Young Adults with Chronic Pain Polysomnographic Findings in Fibromyalgia The role of sleep in pain and fibromyalgia The interfaces between vitamin D, sleep and pain
- Epilepsie
CPAP for OSAS reduces interictal epileptiform discharges in adults with epilepsy Epilepsy and Its Interaction With Sleep and Circadian Rhythm Neuropsychological correlates of OSAS severity in patients with epilepsy Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Refractory Epilepsy Prevalence of Sleep Disorders and their Effects on Sleep Quality in Epileptic Patients Sleep disturbances among patients with epilepsy Treating… Lire la suite »
- Leucoaraiose
White Matter Integrity in OSAS before and after Treatment White Matter Damage and Systemic Inflammation in OSAS High Oral Dose L-arginine Intake Effective in Leukoaraiosis? OSAS as a Risk Factor for Cerebral White Matter Change in a Middle-Aged and Older General Population OSAS and cerebral white matter change La leucoaraiose : plus qu’une découverte fortuite!… Lire la suite »
- Troubles cognitifs
OSAS as a Risk Factor for Cerebral White Matter Change in a Middle-Aged and Older General Population Structural brain correlates of OSAS in older adults at risk for dementia Sleep-disordered breathing advances cognitive decline in the elderly. White Matter Integrity in OSA before and after Treatment Sleep-disordered breathing and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease Obstructive… Lire la suite »
- Accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea as a Risk Factor for Stroke and Death. AVC aigu et troubles respiratoires du sommeil. Conséquences cérébrovascualires des apnées du sommeil. Ronflement et risque d’AVC Sommeil et AVC Hypoxémie nocturne et réduction du sommeil lent profond dans la genèse de l’atrophie cérébrale par micro-infarcissements. Infarctus cérébral silencieux et SAS. Le SAS fait… Lire la suite »