Troubles métaboliques


1°/ Prevention and care of respiratory failure in obese patients.


Obstructive sleep apnea and hormones Lingual Thyroid Thyroid Dysfunction and Sleep Disorders Prevalence of thyroid disease in patients with OSAS Investigation of the frequency of OSAS in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism Association of Hypothyroidism and OSAS Association between thyroid function and disease severity in restless legs syndrome


1°/ Transpiration nocturne et SAS.


1°/ OSAS, ostéopénie et ostéoporose.  


Effet positif de la CPAP sur le profil lipidique. OSAS et dyslipidémie. Distinct severity stages of obstructive sleep apnoea are correlated with unique dyslipidaemia


Diabète de type II et apnées du sommeil. Perturbation de la glycémie et apnées du sommeil. (Etude ESADA) OSAS, intolérance glucidique et augmentation HbA1C. OSAS, hypoxémie nocturne, élévation HbA1c sans diabète. Independent Association Between OSA Severity and Glycated Hemoglobin in Adults Without Diabetes Effect of CPAP on insulin resistance and HbA1c in men with OSAS… Lire la suite »